

今回はEGAP Japan Consortium(EJC)の特別ウェビナーにおいて、TOEFL®テストを開発・運営しているETSの研究者がスピーキングの評価に使用している自動採点システムの概要や、その品質管理についてご説明いたします。


Although automated scoring of language performance has become increasingly common, it is not a simple matter to know how an automated scoring system works, or even which aspects of performance ‘count’ for scoring. In this session I provide an overview of the relatively transparent ‘feature-based’ speech system used by ETS to evaluate speech, with a focus on how language constructs are embedded in each step of the scoring process. This is followed by a brief consideration of the benefits and drawbacks of ‘black box’ approaches to automated scoring, where scoring is based on technologies such as deep neural networks (DNNs) and large language models (LLMs) such as Chat GPT.  Finally, I close with a brief discussion of quality control in automated scoring systems, including a list of questions that should be asked when considering the use of automated scores.


  • 日付 Date:2024年10月19日(土) Saturday, October 19, 2024 
  • 時間 Time:11:00-12:00 
  • 会場 Venue:オンライン(Zoom Webinar) 
  • 対象 Eligible participant:英語教員・英語講師 English teachers/instructors 
  • 定員 Capacity:500名 500 participants 
  • スピーカー Speaker:Larry Davis(ETS)
  • ファシリテーター Facilitator:John Norris (ETS Japan)
  • 使用言語 Language:英語 English 
  • 申込締切 Application deadline:10月16日(水)8:59amまで October 16th, by 8:59am 


Larry Davis

ETS, Research Director of the Languages Research Group,
Larry Davis

Larry Davis is Research Director of the Languages Research Group at Educational Testing Service (ETS). He has taught English at the university level in China and the U.S. and taught university-level teacher training courses. His research interests include all aspects of the assessment of speaking, including development of technology-enhanced speaking tasks, assessment of spoken interaction, creation of rubrics, rater cognition, and automated evaluation of speaking ability. His latest book, co-edited with John Norris, isChallenges and Innovations in Speaking Assessment. 

John Norris

ETS Japan, Principal Research Scientist,
John Norris

John Norris is a Principal Research Scientist at ETS Japan, where he conducts research and outreach related to language teaching, learning, and assessment. From 2016-2022 he was Senior Research Director of the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research at Educational Testing Service in the US. Prior to joining ETS, he was a professor at Georgetown University and the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, and assessment specialist at Northern Arizona University. He began his career as an English teacher in Brazil, and he completed his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Hawaii. John’s research focuses on language education (task-based language teaching), assessment, program evaluation, and research methods. His most recent book publication is “Assessing academic English for higher education admissions”, winner of the Sage/ILTA best book on language testing in 2022. John speaks German, Portuguese, and Spanish, and he is currently acquiring Japanese. 

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EGAP Japan Consortium(EJC)とは

What is EGAP Japan Consortium(EJC)?
We are a consortium established to cultivate EGAP skills.



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